Reality of life in 13 pictures

a picture is worth a thousand words
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Photos with powerful messages. A picture is worth a thousand words
Philanthropy today. #Hypocrite #Philanthropy #Fake #ActForCamera

Are they doctors or coin operated machines?
#Doctors #Material #CoinOperated #Money #moneyminded #commercial

What have you been doing at the beach?
#Texting #beach

Get real or get Facebook. Choice is yours.
#Facebook #Perspective #Door #Open #Unlocked

What have you been teaching them?
#Creativity #Trimmed

Problem? Well, there is only solution if you can see beyond what everyone else is doing.
#Solution #Problem #OutsideTheBox #Think

Reality vs Media these days.
#Reality #Media

Who’s the boss? You or technology?
#Slave #Technology #Boss #WhoIsTheBoss #slaveOfTechnology

The search ends there.
#Money #Problem #Search #Grave #money #greed

Food for thought.
#Food #Sharing #Thought

It’s warm isn’t it?
#Warm #Global #Concern

But, where is poverty?
#Poverty #Minority #Hidden #Illusion

What have we been eating?
#Pesticides #tomorrowsWorld #whatHaveWeDone