22 crazy inventions from around the world

woodpecker and huge tree humor
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A collection some of the most weird, unusual, wackiest, funniest, stupidest, smartest, dumbest and genius inventions from around the world.
Weird invention: 360 degree camera, with a single click

Dumb invention: Secret electric socket stash. Awesome anti-theft invention

Smart invention: Baby-mop – let him help you with floor cleanup

Genius invention: Very useful for twins!

Dumb invention: The shared/coupled cigarette- sharing is caring!

Funny and smart invention: Is that cup transparent… wait, does she have a mustache?

Smart invention: You won’t need to dirty your hands. To-do tattoos for your lists.

Stupid invention: Beer – even a baby can do this now!

Stupid invention: Baby shared carrier

Stupid invention: Lying in your arm.

Stupid invention: Hairy ‘cap’ for your hair-less ‘scalp’

Weird invention: Taking out dogs on those rainy days.

Stupid invention: Butter stick

Stupid invention: When you want to eat something HOT and not burn your mouth

Stupid invention: Runny nose? Well get unlimited supply of tissue paper.

Stupid invention: Get a Grip – better grip for your wine glasses

Stupid invention: When you are in hurry and want to have perfect finish for your lip-sticks

Stupid invention: Rain harvest is good way to re-use water.

Stupid invention: Best time to utilise your time – practice golf (in your restroom).

Stupid invention: Smoke-free and environment friendly lighter for your cigarette!

Stupid invention: Forgetful? Use this strap so that next time you don;t forget where you left your glass.